

Celebrating 100 Days of Preschool at Einstein Kids International Preschool

Introduction As parents, we cherish every milestone in our child’s life, and what better way to celebrate their journey of learning and growth than the 100th day of preschool? At Einstein Kids International Preschool, located in [insert location], we believe that every milestone achieved in a child’s early education should be acknowledged and celebrated. On November 17, 2023, we will be commemorating 100 Days of Preschool with joy and enthusiasm, celebrating the remarkable progress of our little Einsteins. In this

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Back to work after baby? Infant teachers share tips to make the transition easier

Just when you were getting the hang of having a baby, it’s time to go back to work. Besides the expected changes (picking your tasks back up, catching up on all the office gossip you’ve missed), your priorities have shifted now that you’re a parent. Lunch breaks might turn into pumping time, while happy hours look more like heading out early to pick up the baby. There will be focus throughout this year on mastering letters, sounds, and words. You’ll

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5 Preschool games to keep bullying behaviors at bay

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. In preschool, prevention is the name of the game. At this age, children aren’t really capable of intentionally bullying another quite yet, and they’re too young for cyber bullying. But, they will have disagreements with peers and act out of frustration. How can you help your child succeed from her very first school day? Help her build self-confidence when it comes to learning; by being her biggest cheerleader you’ll instill a love of learning

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